- Yellow-billed Storks
- Yellow-billed Storks
- Y. bill. Storks & Purple Heron
- Yellow-billed Storks
- Yellow-billed Storks
- Yellow-billed Storks
- Yellow-billed Storks
- Pink-backed Pelican
- Pink-backed Pelicans and...
- ....Yellow-billed Storks
- Pelican & chicks in the nest
- Pelicans with chick and juv.
- Pink-Backed Pelicans & chicks
- Yellow-billed Storks
- Storks & Pelicans
- ....enjoying the sunset
- Great Blue Turaco
- Great Blue Turaco
- Great Blue Turaco
- Great Blue Turaco
- Great Blue Turaco
- Great Blue Turaco
- African Pied Hornbill
- African Pied Hornbill