- Helmeted Guineafowls
- Helmeted Guineafowls
- Bronze-winged Courser
- Bronze-winged Coursers
- chestnut-backed sparrow-lark-f.
- Greater Honeyguide - male
- Grey Heron & Goliath Heron
- Yellow-bellied Greenbul
- Dark-capped Bulbuls
- double-banded sandgrouse-cple
- Yellow-billed Storks
- Yellow-billed Storks
- Lions
- our assistants for photographies
- Stunning flight over the Andes
- Stunning flight over the Andes
- sundowner set up-uyuni salt flat
- sundowner set up-uyuni salt flat
- Sundowner in Uyuni salt flats
- Sundowner in Uyuni salt flats
- Sundowner in Uyuni salt flats
- Sundowner in Uyuni salt flats
- Salar de Uyuni-Uyuni Salt Flats
- Salar de Uyuni-Uyuni Salt Flats