- White Rhinos - young males
- White Rhinos - young males
- White Rhinos - young males
- White Rhinos - young males
- Alright baby Rhino?
- First steps with Mum...
- Discovering humans?
- White Rhino f. with baby
- White Rhino f. with baby
- White Rhino f. with baby
- White Rhino f. with baby
- Baby less than one month
- White Rhino f. with baby
- Female Rhino with baby
- Female Rhino with baby
- less than 1 month old
- Grey Heron well decided...
- to face a Blacksmith Lapwing
- attacking his bottom
- "go away old one!!!"
- or I shall run you through!
- Dark Chanting Goshawk - juv
- rushing from the tree...
- to attack an Hamerkop...