- Nile Crocodile
- Nile Crocodile
- Nile Crocodile
- Nile Monitor Lizard & Zebra
- Nile Monitor Lizard...
- ...eating Zebra carcass
- Nile Monitor Lizard
- Nile Monitor Lizard
- Nile Monitor Lizard
- Nile Monitor Lizard
- Nile Monitor Lizard
- Nile Monitor Lizard
- Hippo beach - general view
- Hippo - unusual pigmentation
- Hippo with baby
- Licking him like an ice cream
- "It's time to get up"
- Baby standing ...
- & coming back to her mum...
- ...for a soft cuddle
- Hippos strolling on the shore
- Cool baby Hippos...
- ...resting on the beach...
- ...then going to bath