- Potosi-san luis potosí cathedral
- Potosi-san luis potosí cathedral
- cerro rico-rich mountain-4824m
- cerro rico-rich mountain-4824m
- 300 mine entrances
- Silver is extracted since 1545
- miner - 300/900 USD by month
- Extract. lead-silver,zinc-silver,tin
- 10000 ppl. work in the mines
- miner - 300/900 USD by month
- Miner - life expectancy 45 years
- sucre > potosi-puente josé sucre
- sucre > potosi-puente josé sucre
- Pilcomayo River-1100 kms long
- Bolivia, country of llamas
- Sol de Mañana (4990m)
- Sol de Mañana (4990m)
- siloli desert-salvador dali desert
- Salvador Dalí Desert
- Rock Tree (Arbol de Piedra)
- Rock Tree (Arbol de Piedra)
- On the way to Salar de Chalviri
- Salar de Chalviri (4369m)
- Salar de Chalviri (4369m)