- Warthogs - family
- White-tailed Mongoose
- White-tailed Mongoose
- White-tailed Mongoose
- African Bush Elephants - family
- African Bush Elephants - family
- Baby Elephant - 3 to 4 mths old
- Baby Elephant - 3 to 4 mths old
- Baby Elephant - 3 to 4 mths old
- Baby Elephant - 3 to 4 mths old
- Herd of African Bush Elephants
- African Bush Elephants - family
- African Bush Elephants - family
- Bush Elephants and Wild Dogs
- Afr. Bush Elephants drinking....
- ..eating paperbark acacia leaves
- African Bush Elephant - calf
- Mum and baby Puku-1 day old
- Mum and baby Puku-1 day old
- Mum and baby Puku-1 day old
- Mum and baby Puku-1 day old
- Pukus - 3 m. - 2 ad. & 1 young
- Puku - young
- Herd of female Impalas