- Brahminy Starling
- Brahminy Starling
- Little Grebe with Frog
- Little Grebe with juvenile
- Little Grebe
- Grey Junglefowl - m.
- Grey Junglefowl - m.
- Grey Junglefowl - f.
- Greater Racket-tailed Drongo
- White-bellied Drongo
- Black Drongo
- Oriental Magpie Robin - m.
- with a Skipper (butterfly)
- Oriental Magpie Robin - m.
- Pied Bushchat - male
- White-cheeked Barbet
- Common Myna
- Streak-throated Woodpecker-f.
- Streak-throated Woodpecker-f.
- Streak-throated Woodpecker-f.
- Streak-throated Woodpecker-m.
- Streak-throated Woodpecker-m.
- Streak-throated Woodpecker-m.
- Red-vented Bulbul