Zambia South Luangwa - Mammals 2

  • African Wild Dog
  • African Wild Dogs
  • African Wild Dogs
  • African Wild Dog
  • African Wild Dogs – Pukus and Luangwa River in the background
  • Carcass of a male Impala eaten by African Wild Dogs
  • African Bush Elephant and Impalas in the night
  • African Bush Elephant calf
  • African Bush Elephant calf
  • African Bush Elephant
  • African Bush Elephant – young
  • African Bush Elephant
  • Female Common Warthog with her 4 piglets – 1,5 months old
  • Female Common Warthog with her piglets – 1,5 months old
  • Common Warthog – big tusk
  • Common Warthog and Great Egret
  • Young Common Warthogs
  • Common Warthog and Great Egret
  • Male Waterbuck & African Fish Eagle
  • Waterbuck – males
  • Waterbuck – male
  • Waterbuck – males